Travel Etiquette :: Tipping
This month we're featuring a topic that's become more and more relaxed since the golden age of travel has disappeared: etiquette. During a time where the Juicy tracksuit is considered appropriate travel wear and loud-talking cell phone users are commonplace, to borrow a line from Anchorman's Ron Burgundy, let's "stay classy" and bring some Pucci-inspired yesteryear back into travel.
The first travel etiquette subject we'll tackle is North American tipping.
Like it or not, tipping everyone from the housekeeper to the concierge is a highly suggested travel practice in North America and other select destinations worldwide. Although tipping is not required, and should be based on excellence, it's generally uncouth if you don't. In fact, it has become such a significant part of traveling, it's worth adding a line-item in your travel budget so you don't wonder where all your USD $1s or Canadian Twoonies went at the end of your trip!
Not including restaurant or cab tipping, one could easily spend $20+/day tipping at their hotel alone. With this in mind, it's important that you load up on small bills pre-trip, or exchange money during your trip, so you have appropriate amounts to give those who help you on-demand.
Whether traveling for business or pleasure, here are some estimates of whom you should tip and by how much. The below amounts are based on 4- to 5-star travel experiences.
Hotels Valets - each time you call your vehicle - $2-10 {ie - if you drive a lambo, don't tip $2} Bellhops - when they help with luggage - $3-10 Door Men/Ladies - $1-2 for calling a cab Housekeeper - $2-5/day Concierge - $5-20 depending on how much advice you ask Pool/Beach Attendants - $2-5/day Restaurants - 15-20% of your bill pre-tax When you ask for something to be brought to your room that's extra - $2-5
Transportation Taxi or Limo Driver - fare + 15-20% Airport transfer - fare + 15% {for an all-inclusive shuttle, $2-5/person depending on length} Courtesy Shuttles - $1-2 per person, or $4-5 per small group
Tours Tour Guides - 10-15% of total price Tour Driver - $1/hour
{Trip Styler Tip: Pay close attention to the tipping practices in the countries you visit outside of North America. It's a faux pas to assume everyone has the same systems in place. For example, you don't tip much in Australia and you only round-up the restaurant bill in Italy. Do your research before leaving!}
Upcoming Tuesday, March 8th - Travel Etiquette App Friday, March 11th - Hotel Guest Etiquette Friday, March 18th - Plane Etiquette Monday, March 21st - The importance of USD $1s & Canadian Twoonies
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