Travel Resolution #9 :: Twoonies for Travel
Earlier this year I wrote about some 2010 travel resolutions. My 8th entry was to carry a petite stack of US one dollar bills when traveling in the US, Caribbean, etc... My motivation? Never get stuck in a situation where I'd run out of cash to tip. It's happened and it's embarrassing. Recently I was reminded of this travel resolution when I stayed at a Canadian resort hotel. Being born and raised in Canada, it was easier to tip staff with twoonies (a Canadian two dollar coin) versus USD bills.
The Twoonie & Incidentals Generosity is good, and I always want to be conscientious a traveller who gives to staff who help me at hotels and resorts. Although constant tipping can seem ridiculous at times like check-in, check-out or with regular valet use, I think it's always better to err on the side of regularity. Here's an overnight account of my twoonie use at the Chateau Whistler (see my Trip Advisor review of the Chateau here) a few weekends ago: - Pull up to the valet, one of the attendants helps unload bags = twoonie #1 - Bags are brought up to room by bell hop = twoonie #2 - Use car, when I return to valet = twoonie #3 - Next day, leave room, provide tip for housekeeping = twoonie #4 - Call for bell hop to assist with bags = twoonie #5 - Retrieve car from Valet and bags are placed in car = twoonies #6 & 7 --------------------------------------------------- 7 Twoonies (and that's just overnight...) *This does not include tipping at restaurants, which is usually 15-20%.
To Twoonie or To Loonie? I don't have anything against the lonely loonie (Canadian one dollar coin), but usually tipping with a twoonie is more acceptable in Canada. A loonie just doesn't cut it. Although it does feel weird to tip with coins, I just go with it knowing Canada doesn't have an equivalent amount in the form of a bill, although we used to.
My twoonie input and output doesn't stop here, this summer I'll need them when I go across Canada to Visit Ottawa, Montreal, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI!