Travel Beauty :: Jetlag Busters
[trip style = any]
Traveling for a living, I keep my five-minute make-up routine basic yet high impact. The same small cosmetic case that comes with me to Hong Kong or Mexico also acts as my everyday beauty bag at home. I never unpack it.
Sure, the colors in my kit may shift from season to season, but my bases and philosophy remain the same: Find and apply the BEST fatigue-busting camouflage and accent from there.
Since I started Trip Styler almost five years ago, I've refined {and refined again} my travel and everyday beauty routine into something quick and effective. Here are the products I use daily and pack as if they were attached to my passport.
Since very few bases are perfect skin tone matches, I use two colors of MAC's Pro Longwear Concealer—suggested to me by the make-up artist at the TV station where I've talked travel—and mix them in a small, sealable pot to match my complexion {which tends to slightly lighten or darken depending on the climate I'm in}.
The one bronzer I keep coming back to after having dipped my brush into a bevy of top-rated faux tan powders is Benefit Cosmetics' Hoola because it leaves a St. Tropez glow and is free of glimmer {a travel no-no as sparkles can settle into tired eyes and fine lines}. Bonus: use it as a below-the-cheek-bone contouring cheat to instantly drop 10 pounds. {See the one-minute how-to video}
With fair skin and non-Brazilian-supermodel features—listen, we can't all be Gisele—one of the easiest tricks I've learned for an eye-popping look is intensifying the brows. My make-up artist friend selected the perfect color for my skin tone—a mid-brown eye shadow—which I swipe over my brows with an angled brush and set/sculpt with clear mascara for all-day staying power.
Since I'm all about speed and anything that will brighten my eyes and stay put whether I'm traipsing around an urban or actual jungle, I've become a mega-fan of MAC's Paint Pot in Bare Study. For best results, I dip my ring finger into the petit pot and apply the creamy eye shadow to my lid and just below my brow {the cream turns to powder when it's applied}. I've never found a long-lasting shadow as impressive as this. Don't forget to dab a little over the inside corner and along the inner rims of your eyes to "fake" being awake. When you're tired from travel {or life!} this waterproof potion hides any hint of red making it "look" like you've just slept for eight hours.
There are two lip products I won't travel without: Stain and gloss. Lip stain is great because it's long-lasting and keeps my kisser rouge from Vancouver to Sydney. Right now I like Revlon's Just Bitten Balm Stain. For gloss, I can't get enough of Maybelline's Baby Lips, a lightly tinted balm-gloss, which I have in almost every shade.
Carry-On Creature Comforts
Travel Beauty :: Trish's Picks
Travel Beauty :: Heather's Picks
[images sourced from products mentioned]