In-flight {+ at-home} Beauty Tips from the Most Glam Squad in the Sky
That's me {center} in top-to-toe Virgin-wear
[trip style = any]
A few years ago I hopped on a Virgin Atlantic flight across the pond to attend the airline's grooming class, a one-day spiff-session every crew member takes {including ground crew} to learn about Virgin's top primping and priming techniques for travel.
At the risk of being a "Captain Obvious," it was one of the best assignments I've ever taken. I mean, YES to learning tips for gorgeous gallivanting from the most glam squad in the sky!
In my new life with two tiny stylers in tow, I don't have time to lallygag when I get ready for the day, so Virgin's jet-lag fighting skincare, go-to hairstyles and two-minute makeovers are MORE relevant than EVER {even at home}!
For an Expedia story I recently wrote, I contacted Virgin to see if they were teaching new go-tos for sky-high grooming. The below list rounds up their greatest hits {which I've personally tried and tested over the years}, as well as a few new ones. With this I give you:
Grooming On the Go, Virgin-edition
*Coles notes below. For the FULL list, see my story in the Expedia Viewfinder.
Me {left} Interviewing Virgin crew during during a class break
1. Sky-high skin prep
How do Virgin’s red-suited crew come off a 14-hour flight with dewy skin while the rest of us look as dry as a desert? Here’s how: Plump skin is more than just a dab of moisturizer and a swipe of eye cream. Virgin teaches that sky-high skincare happens round-the-clock with high-quality products and regular facials to maintain a cared-for complexion. It doesn’t stop here. The night before your flight give the skin you’re in a good cleanse, exfoliation, and hydration boost {think: moisturizing mask}—a regime that will do wonders for your skin’s luminosity upon arrival.
Sky-high skin prep
2. Moisturize more
“If you spend money on only one skin-saver, buy a good moisturizer,” my grooming goddess told me. The day they fly, recruits are taught to use more than their average dollop of hydrating cream to ensure their face maintains a glow, even on the go.
Moisturize more
3. High-altitude hair
One way to ensure hair stays put and full of flair while flying is wear it up in a coiffed and chic do. The bonus of this mane methodology is the dividends it pays upon landing; instead of looking like you’ve been flying for 10 hours, you look like you walked out of salon. If your tresses are shoulder-length or shorter, bring a comb to spruce it up with a touch of backcombing and smoothing before deplaning.
High-altitude hair
4. The two-minute makeover
One of my favorite tips—which is equally applicable to jet-setting and real life—is Virgin’s two-minute makeover. For guys, it’s meticulous facial grooming, and for gals it’s mascara, cover-up, blush, and red lips {all of which help hide tiredness}. Upgrade the look with classic Virgin shadow colors of lilac or grey, powder, and bronzer to go from bare to brilliant in five minutes flat.
The two-minute makeover
5. The right red
To match that perfect shade of Virgin red, ladies sport the classic red lip. If you think you’re not a red lipstick kind of gal, think again. Rebecca Creer, Chief Beauty Officer at Virgin Atlantic, believes there’s a shade of red to suit every woman, and suggests starting with a blue-red hue for a bright and chic look.
The right red
Et voila: a fresh-faced arrival!