portland pictures


[trip style = urban + weekend getaway]

Over the next few days I'll be trip style = weekending in Portland, aka Portlandia for those in the know. If you're a regular Trip Styler reader, you're probably aware that I heart the gritty city with a deep NYC & LA kinda love. What other city has more bikes parked in front of restaurants than cars? What other city pours bourbon in the vast majority of all its cocktails? What other city puts bacon on their doughnuts?

PS. Have you seen the series Portlandia with SNL's Fred Armisen? If you've ever been to Portland, or want to go, it's worth a watch.

Some images of my favorite things:

{To Start: Coava & Stumptown Coffee.}

{Whenever I travel by car "locally", my dog @nachoking comes along. Hotels like Fairmont(s), Ace(s), Westin(s), Kimpton(s), etc...all welcome dogs.}

{Voodoo Doughnut, for waistline purposes, a once-a-year indulgence. Maple bacon and oreo peanut butter.}