how to wear a beach wrap — Blog — Trip Styler

how to wear a beach wrap

Fash-Packing :: The Sarong

travel beach fashion + sarong[trip style = beach]

Trip Styler Beach Tip :: Don't forget to pack a sarong!

Sarongs; the beach vacation staple that comes in and out of fashion, most recently peaking in the '90s {<---David Beckam in a sarong} and early '00s. At the time, I had about 10. After years of closet cleanouts, two remain.

Long forgotten in the shadow of resort wear cover-ups, the sarong sailed away to fashion oblivion while every designer {and their dog} came out with vacation collections, spotlighting the cover-up as the star attraction.

lava lava beach club beach wraps

However, I was just gifted with a wrap at the Lava Lava Beach Club  {all guests get their own personal sarongs to keep} during my recent trip to Hawaii, and I reconnected with the sarong side of life! Sure, I brought a pirate's bounty of fancy cover-ups---the kind that are so nice I'd only wear them BEFORE {not after} slathering my skin with sunscreen---however, Hawaii's beach-is-life culture called for a more casual get-up: flip flops, a bathing suit and a sarong (worn in a gazillion configurations, of course; see below). From sunrise to starlight, it was all I needed.

ways to wear a sarong

The sarong is to beach life what the pashmina is to travel: a must. Best part of all is it's easily washable and dries in less than 30 mins.

In case you're out of sarong practice---I know I was---they can be used as a: - dress or skirt - bathing suit cover-up - makeshift beach towel - scarf if the wind picks up

Find more Fash-Packing tips here, or check out our regular Fashion Friday column here.

[photos, in order of appearance, via: style passport, @tripstyler and style passport]