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Fashion Friday :: White Chucks

Fashion Friday posts are published regularly by fashion and lifestyle blogger Heather.

You know that moment when you're traveling and a tourist asks you for directions? Or that moment when you're able to carry on a basic conversation in a country's native tongue? Those moments make you feel like you belong in the place you're visiting. Fitting in with the locals is always at the top of my travel goals. If I'm mistaken for a local, I've succeeded as a foreigner under the radar.

If you want to look like a local in Europe, there's one element that crosses more borders than the European Union: White Converse Chuck Taylor sneakers {"Chucks"}.

I know that's a bold statement, but you can trust me as I've just returned from three weeks in Europe, where, moments after stepping off the plane, I observed an entire group of teenaged girls wearing them on the train. I saw them on the feet of high-end shop girls in Amsterdam, tapas servers in Barcelona, Zara-chic twentysomethings in Croatia and supermodel moms inside Charles de Gaulle.

In Europe, Chucks aren't a trend, they're a staple.

Here's my favorite look, as seen on the Riva in Split, Croatia's second-largest city.

(clockwise from left) Equipment signature shirt, ASOS pleated maxi skirt, Retrosuperfuture lucia francis puma sunglasses, Converse chuck taylor all stars

Trip Styler Tip: Shoes are arguably the most important and agonizing item when packing for Europe. White Chucks are versatile and they'll save your feet during the inevitable miles and miles of pounding the {very old} pavement.

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[top images via pinterest]