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Summer Reading: Flight Attendant Tell-Alls

Beach read alert! If you're looking for a travel-themed tell-all that spills the beans on the friendly—and sometimes frisky—skies, pick up a copy of not one, but two eye-opening flight attendant memoirs. 

In the tradition of 1960s bestseller Coffee, Tea or Me?, Mandy Smith's no-holds-barred memoir, Cabin Fever: The Sizzling Secrets of a Virgin Airlines Flight Attendant, recounts stories from love affairs to mid-flight scares over 12 years as a Virgin Atlantic flight attendant. Frequent fliers may find the content a little too close for comfort; for example, she shares her opinions about Premium Economy passengers:

People who can't quite afford Upper Class but feel they can click their fingers and demand the world, simply because they've paid a few hundred quid more than an Economy passenger for a little extra leg room and a slightly bigger seat. That's why we nicknamed them the Gin and Tonic Brigade; they believe they deserve as many freebies as they can get their hands on, which most often results in them drinking the complimentary bar service dry.

Smith compares her job with that of a waitress, nurse, therapist, policewoman and negotiator combined. I enjoyed her account of maintaining her cool during a stressful situation; I guess I'm not the only passenger who takes her cue from the flight attendants:

I was fully aware that every single person in the cabin was scrutinizing my demeanor with anxious eyes, making sure I was not wearing an expression that screamed, "We're going to crash." We know the score: watch the air hostesses, and if we're not panicking, you know everything is okay. That's why we look so bloody cheerful all the time. Anyone who thinks being an air hostess is all about serving tea and coffee and looking pretty is kidding themselves. It takes stamina, patience, commitment...and a whole load of acting talent. 

Moving across the pond from the UK to the USA, veteran flight attendant and media maven Heather Poole's bestseller, Cruising Attitude: Tales of Crashpads, Crew Drama, and Crazy Passengers at 35,000 Feetdishes on everything from finding love to first-year wages that qualify flight attendants for food stamps.

If you've ever been curious about grooming standards—for a profession that requires at least one-inch heels for women—Poole tells this story:

Lipstick, at flight attendant training, was serious business. It had to be worn at all times. "Why?" asked a classmate who had dared not to wear the color my airline had recommended that year, Clinique red..."So passengers can read your lips during an emergency," said an instructor, matter-of-factly. None of us knew if he was serious. 

And if you've ever wondered what kind of crazy behavior flight attendants have seen, Poole gives this shortlist:

In flight, I've seen passengers get naked, attempt to open an emergency door in order to get off the "bus," reach inside a first-class meal cart and eat leftover food from a dirty plate, and get hit on the head by luggage—then threaten to sue the airline because the injury had affected their psychic abilities. Once I watched an entire group of passengers traveling to Haiti put a voodoo curse on a coworker...and I've seen a woman try to store her baby inside an overhead bin.

A flight attendant's first priority is passenger safety. So, be nice! Even a smile and a few kind words can set you apart from other passengers, and that—according to the experts—is the best way to score a blanket or an extra snack.

This post is written by Trip Styler's Assistant Wayfarer/Editor Heather.

Beach Reads
Virgin Diaries :: Sky-High Skincare
Virgin Diaries :: Facing the Sky
Virgin Diaries :: Airtight Hair

[images via penguin and harper collins]

Beach Reads

[trip style = beach + sun + weekend getaway]

When I wasn't busy biking to the corner store for 5-cent candies, running under sprinklers, or choreographing dances to Ace of Base's "The Sign" and Boyz II Men's "Motown Philly", I spent my childhood summers checking out books to earn as many stickers as possible from the public library's annual summer reading club. Fast forward 20 years and I'm still spending my summers wading through stacks of unread books.

Since nothing complements a beach trip like a page-turner, here are three hilarious memoirs you'll want to pack in your beach bag this summer. They're funny, not too serious, entertaining, self deprecating and witty. Everything I want in a summer relationship—with reading. Just don't forget to pack some extra SPF because these books will have you sobbing through your sunscreen with tears of laughter.

Uganda Be Kidding Me
Chelsea Handler's comical collection of travel stories is by far and wide the most irreverent and belly-busting memoir I've ever read. While reading it, I may have peed my pants from the pressure of heaving laughter, skipped the gym because my abs got such a workout, and drawn way too much attention to myself when I burst out crying from sustained giggling because of scenes like Chelsea's sudden urge to deal with a bout of post-Africa constipation in a kayak in the Bahamas. To give you an idea of how much I loved this book, I ordered every single one of her books from Amazon before I'd even finished this one.  –Recommended by Trish

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)
Mindy Kaling kicks off her book with a list of alternate titles that include: So You've Just Finished Chelsea Handler's Book, Now What? and Harry Potter Secret Book #8. I was either the best or worst beach buddy while reading this book, depending on whether you liked to be interrupted and read to whenever I came across something hilarious I had to share, which was basically all the time. Whether it was her stories about growing up as a "timid chubster" in Massachusetts or her thoughts on best friend rights and responsibilities, she had me laughing the whole time and wishing she was my best friend, even if that means getting punched in the nose. Read the book to find out how that happens—and how it involves Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. –Recommended by Heather

Everything Is Perfect When You're a Liar
If you've never heard of Kelly Oxford, you're probably not on Twitter, where she reigns as queen with her irreverent, observational tweets. Once a Calgary stay-at-home mother of three, she's now moved her family to Los Angeles, where she hangs out with her celebrity best friends and works as a screenwriter. No topics are off limits in her first memoir, where she shares her most embarrassing stories about mall modeling, teenage drinking, flying to LA to make Leonardo DiCaprio her boyfriend, and cancelling on brunch with David Copperfield in Vegas after a crazy night at the Hustler Club. I think Lena Dunham describes Kelly best on the book jacket: "Kelly Oxford is like your cool babysitter who teaches you about sex and sarcasm in an un-creepy way." –Recommended by Heather

I'm next in line for Uganda Be Kidding Me after Mr. Trip Styler finishes it, and after lending it to at least three people, I finally plan on reading Tina Fey's Bossy Pants next month or whenever I make it to the beach.

This post is written by Trip Styler's Assistant Wayfarer/Editor Heather.

[collage by @heatherlovesit, beach basket by jadetribe]