Healthy on the Road — Blog — Trip Styler

Healthy on the Road

Exercise: From Home to Hotel


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"Even if it's just 10 minutes a day, it's WORTH IT" celeb bodyworker Lauren Roxburgh told me as we chatted about an everyday fitness routine that goes from home to hotel with ease.

Author of upcoming book Taller, Slimmer, Younger, Roxburgh is the spokesperson for Walk the World a Fitbit-powered wellbeing initiative I attended imagined by Element HotelsStarwood Hotels and Resorts' "main stay" for the active traveler including unique-to-North-America extras such as saltwater pools, health-conscious breakfast and rooms each with a kitchenette.

The health effort encourages travelers to log their strides with Fitbit and collectively amass 24 million stepsthe amount required to walk between between Element Hotels in Vancouver and their first property in Asia Pacific.   

Partnering with the initiative makes sense for Lauren {above, center}, who credits walking, as well as her "Taller, Slimmer, Younger" regime with keeping her fit, refreshed and productive {think: authoring fitness how-tos, training A-list clients, wrangling a tot, etc..}. 


"It's about establishing patterns, and once you do, you'll see and feel results even with 10 minutes a day" she explained. SOLD. I can {and will} find 10 minuteswhether I'm at home or in a hotel. 

10 minutes to Taller, Slimmer, Younger
1/ Invert to stimulate the lymphatic system, flush toxins and decompress the spine. 
2/ Side-bend to reduce the muffin top-effect, bring in the body's hourglass and relieve anxiety.
3/ Breathe deep to jump-start stress relief. 
4/ Twist to ring out organs and reduce inflammation. 

For examples of HOW TO do each of the above body boosters, check out Lauren's demos

[photos via Element Hotels/Phillip Chin]

Event: Run + Rest

fairmont mothers

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{Editor's Note: Celebrate Cinco de Mayo in style with a Mexico find from the Trip Styler Store. %15 off all items today only. Enter promo code cincodemayo at checkout. Ole.}

A run and a rest; I need both in my life. So, I'm going to do them back-to-back in my home city with a stop at the spa, a sip of sparkling, and a bite of a sugar bun {Vancouver's version of malasadas}.

This weekend, the four Fairmont Hotels in the Vancouver area are holding the first-annual Fairmont Mother's Day Run & Walk, a 3K, 5K and 10K jaunt from Stanley Park to Jack Pool Plaza {where the 2010 Olympic Flame was lit} benefitting Make-A-Wish® BC & Yukon.

I've been running my whole life, but I took a break when I was pregnant with Baby Styleropting for walking and swimming instead. While I was *hoping* to get back into the sport shortly after my wee wanderer was born, it took me longer than expected due to his turbulent arrival and an emergency surgery to ensure his safe landing. 

Now that he's almost 7-months-old and I have a few months of miles racked up on my shoes, I'm ready to raceok, jog. 

Aerial view of the race course

Aerial view of the race course

In true Trip Styler style, I'm going to make a weekend of it and paint the townand my nailsred in Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Pacific Rim with Mom and Sis Styler. Following the spa, Mr. and Baby Styler will join me at the Fairmont Pacific Rim {a TS fave}, perched over Vancouver's waterfront and the race course. Here, we'll take in some pre-run clinics and carb-load at the Mamma Mia Pasta Dinner on Saturday, and then I'll escape to run the 10K on Sunday and meet the other Stylers for brunch on Sunday morning.

This is my first official Mother's Day, and I can't imagine a more FITting way to spend it; with the people I love, in the city I love, doing the things I love {escaping + exercising + eating}.   

PS - Join me this weekend. Find details and a Fairmont Mother's Day Run promo code below

Race Details
DAY: Sunday, May 10th
COST: From $59 for adults/$29 for kids [under 6 free]. Enter Promo Code TRIPSTYLER2015 at checkout to receive 10% off.
SWAG: All participants will receive a technical running shirt, limited-edition running gloves, and a gift bag filled with zero-calorie goodies such as Lindt Chocolate :). And when moms cross the finish line, they'll be handed a custom pashmina.
EAT: Pre-race, three-course Mamma Mia Pasta Dinner at ARC in the Fairmont Waterfront {$49} // Post-race nourishment at the Pacific Rim Mother's Day Brunch {$55}

Special Stay Rates
Fairmont Hotel Vancouver – starting from $279/night
Fairmont Waterfront – starting from $319/night
Fairmont Pacific Rim – starting from $369/night
Fairmont Vancouver Airport – starting from $299/night
Participants will receive special stay rates, here. Enter a check-in date of May 9th and a check-out date of May 10th.

Fairmont Pacific Rim

Fairmont Pacific Rim

[photos via Fairmont and National Geographic for an event I will be doing in partnership with Fairmont Hotels]

Healthy on the Road: How to curb holiday weight gain

curb holiday weight gain trip styler

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{Editor's Note: This post was written by Serena Matter, the Canadian Editor for, and a travel and wellness enthusiast based in Vancouver, Canada.}

Five pounds. Sorry to tell you this, but that’s how much weight the average person will gain on vacation. Trying to keep off the pounds while traveling is one tough challenge, but it IS possible {and it doesn’t involve sweating it out for hours in the hotel gym, either}. With Spring Break and bathing suit season enroute, we’ve put together four healthy eating strategies that won't get you "choked up" over calories. 

Pack Snacks, Not Pounds
Let’s start with your first hurdle: the airport. No surprise, the food selection can be pretty dismal, pretty pricey, or both {unless you're lucky enough to score a pass to The Wing, Cathay Pacific's flagship lounge}. And airplane food is often even worse {unless you travel in biz aboard Emirates}. Since most of us don't travel with first-class tickets every time we jetset, make your time in transit a little more healthy and enjoyable by packing your own food, such as a mix of veggies and protein you picked up from Whole Foods’ salad bar the night before your flight. Pair that with some crackers and hummus, dried fruit, veggie sticks, healthy trail mix or protein bars and you’ll be treating your body like the temple it is.

pack snacks for flights trip styler wellness

Boost your Breakfast
Several studies have shown that your self-control is strongest in the morning. So why not take advantage of that willpower and begin your day with a healthy breakfast? Just think: When you start off on the right track, you can put your calories towards good use later on {read: decadent dinner or guilt-free dessert}. Besides, after breakfast you want to feel energized for a day of sightseeing, not stuck in a food coma from a stack of syrup-laden pancakes.

healthy breakfast trip styler wellness

Practice Safe Saucing
Whether it’s ponzu aioli or chipotle mayo, sauces can up the calorie quotient of a dish substantially. Obviously you wouldn’t ask for your fettuccine with alfredo on the side, but wherever possible, ask for the sauce in a side dish. This allows you to control the amount, as restaurants tend to overdo it in this area anyway. Same goes for salad dressinginstead of pouring the dressing over your salad, just dip your fork in it before each bite. 

Trip Styler Tip: In addition to safe saucing, try sharing a main dish and a salad with your travel partner to up your veg content and maximize the menu. 

safe sauce trip styler wellness

Make your Calories Count
We know; a huge part of travel is experiencing the cuisine of your destination, and all the unique flavors and ingredients that come with it. Don’t deny yourself the dishes of the regionjust choose wisely. Instead of throwing back a few sugary cocktails, save the calories for something special, such as un pain au chocolat in Paris or Salt & Straw ice cream in Portland!

trip styler wellness calories count

[photos by @tripstyler and sourced online]

Healthy On The Road :: Boost-it Foods

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January wouldn't be January at the Trip Styler HQ without an extra dose of detox. After kicking off 2014 with our favorite wayfaring cleanse, the glowing green smoothie, we're coming back to you with another one-way ticket to wellness. As you think about what pins you'll push into the map this year, before takeoff, boost your body with this list of inexpensive, natural and vitamin-rich superfoods, all favorites of the most frequent and fabulous fliers I know: the Virgin Atlantic flight crew. Lucky day: indulging in all these tropical treats is a vacation unto itself.

Coconut Water
Hydration significantly reduces feelings of jet lag, and coconut water is alkaline showing great cleansing effects on the body.

Trip Styler Tip: No coconut water in the fridge? Pop the petite and reusable Santevia Alkaline Water Stick into a jug or water bottle to achieve similar, alkalizing effects.

Eating bananas boosts serotonin which stabilizes your mood and has a calming effect on the brain.

Pineapples contain high levels of vitamin C that help improve your immunity. Their juice also helps with digestion and aids in flushing your system.

Wheatgrass powder contains the same green pigment found in plants, and helps flush the liver as well as regulate digestion.

Jump Start Jetsetter
Just hitting the Virgin Clubhouse circuit this January, I'm amped for the antioxidant-packed Jump Start Jetsetter---a non-alcoholic cocktail cool enough to drink at the bar. In case you're not stopping by one of Sir Branson's lounges in the next few weeks, here's the secret sauce for a DIY version:

Pineapple Juice: antioxidant that increases intestinal productivity and rich in Vit C
Coconut Water: alkaline that has great cleansing effects on the body
Ginger: antioxidant that stimulates digestion and circulation
Agave: high in vitamins and minerals, low GI
Mint: soothes stomachs in cases of indigestion or inflammation
Angostura bitters: stimulates digestion and reduces trapped gasses
Egg whites: zero fat and low calorie protein Fresh lemon: break down fats and stimulates digestion

Finally, once you've arrived in your destination, ditch the AM coffee for a cup of warm water and a splash of lemon to wake-up your system and banish grogginess.

[photos, in order of appearance, by @tripstyler and Virgin Atlantic]

Travel Detox

If coffee wasn't such a treasured ritual in my morning routine, I could stop drinking it right now. I've found a smoothie that gives me so much energy I don't even need my morning americano. The Glowing Green Smoothie was created by nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, whose famous fans and devoted smoothie drinkers include Drew Barrymore, Dr. Oz, Fergie, Josh Duhamel, Olivia Wilde, Kerry Washington and Owen Wilson.

Packed with dark, leafy greens and naturally sweetened with fruit, this green smoothie boosts your energy level, cleans your body of harmful toxins, oxygenates your blood, supports your immune system, stimulates your digestion and brightens your skin. It's also the ideal pre- and post-travel detox. I'd like to think it cancels out the happy hour fries, cocktails and erratic international eating. If you're craving it on your travels, ask for it at your hotel; many take custom room service orders and some resorts even have smoothie stations similar to omelet stations. And if you're in LA, visit Snyder's Glo Bio juice and smoothie bar. Oh, did I mention it's delicious?

My take on the Glowing Green Smoothie


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup coconut water (try ZICO Natural 100% pure coconut water from hand-harvested Thai coconuts)
  • 1/2 bunch spinach, rinsed
  • 1/2 head romaine, rinsed
  • 4 sticks celery, chopped
  • 1 pear, cored & quartered
  • 1 green apple, cored & quartered
  • 1 banana, peeled & halved
  • 1/2 lemon (juice & grated rind)


  1. Fill blender with water, coconut water, spinach and romaine, and blend until smooth (30-60 seconds depending on your blender).
  2. Add celery, apple and pear, and blend until smooth.
  3. Add banana and lemon and blend. Add 1/4 cup water if too thick.

* Yields approximately 60 oz (4-5 servings of 12-16 oz)

* Nutritional information and original recipe here

* Mix it up a little; vary ingredients with chard, kale, cucumber, cilantro, or parsley * Tastes best cold and can be stored in fridge up to three days or frozen and thawed overnight

This post is written by Trip Styler fashion and lifestyle blogger Heather.

[photo by @heatherlovesit]