The Simple Summer Vacation — Trip Styler

The Simple Summer Vacation

[trip style = glamping]

There's something refreshing about the simple, local'ish summer vacation.

No flight or security line-ups, just a car. No hoity-toity restaurants, just a BBQ, a general store and/or a roadside fruit stand. No infinity pool, just a natural swimming hole. No resort wear, just the same clothes over and over again. No hair dryer, just air-dried locks or hat hair. No light-polluted night sky, just a starry night. No computer, just a paperback book.

Back to the basics {and the basics feel good}. Have you found somewhere to unwind this summer, even if it's just overnight?

Here are some of life's simple pleasures I reconnected with a few weeks ago when I took a simple, mostly unplugged vacation {aside from instagram, which I just can't seem to escape even though I was in a backcountry "no service" zone---thank goodness for WiFi.}.

Basic 1: The open road.

Basic 2: The treat enroute.

Basic 3: Taking time to stop and smell the roses.

Basic 4: Snapping photos from the passenger seat.

Basic 5: Appreciating old-school signs.

Basic 6: Glamping at Rolling Huts.

Basic 7: Bringing the pup.

Basic 8: Finding a swimming hole.

Basic 9: Creating your own private beach.

Basic 10. Sitting on your balcony from 6pm - 10pm, drinking cheap wine out of a paper cup, while nibbling a baguette and cheese.

Basic 11: Hiking.

Basic 12: Biking for your breakfast {a strawberry scone topped with corse sugar---best I've ever had}.

Basic 13: Visiting a small, historic town {Winthrop, WA}.

Basic 14: Not a basic at all. Finding a chocolate, oatmeal, guinness pie and eating it for dessert. {This trip is looking really unhealthy. It wasn't, but based on the evidence, I understand if you don't believe me.}


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[photos by @tristyler]