JAL Business Class
Each airline does executive class a little differently. Companies like Virgin, Singapore Airlines and Emirates excel in over-the top first class service, while US carriers like Alaska and Delta could use a little improvement {<--- speaking from experience}.
I don't normally fly business class, but on my recent trip to Thailand I made an exception involving a Japan Airlines {JAL} executive class seat sale. Ah business class, it's not so much about the semi lie-flat seats, as it is about the lounge access, security lane fast-pass and attentive service---all m-a-j-o-r bonuses when flying an international, multi-leg, long-haul flight!
Trip Styler Tip :: When traveling internationally, make sure the airline you're flying is part of your preferred airline alliance. It would be a shame to waste close to 20,000 miles that could have otherwise been used towards a free trip, as well as get you closer to elite status. For example, the American Airlines air miles I'll accrue from the JAL flights are just shy of getting me to the Caribbean and back during AA's Caribbean bonus period Sept 15 - Nov 15.
Here's an inside look at JAL's Business Class.
{In the grand scheme of business class seats, JAL planes' various seat pitches aren't the most horizontal, but for an 11-hour flight, anything greater than a 33" economy seat recline will do.}
{I've eaten better food in Turkish Airways economy seats, but JAL's unlimited Champagne was a plus.}
Party Favors
{Complimentary Vogue, moisturizing eye mask, face mask, toothbrush and slippers. The moisturizing eye mask was the best, and proved really helpful in counteracting the shrivel effect caused by parching airplane air.}
{Sakura Lounge, Narita. Modern, lots of seating and great sleeping/relaxation spaces.}
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[photos by @tripstyler]