All-Inclusive VS Non All-Inclusive — Trip Styler

All-Inclusive VS Non All-Inclusive

all-inclusive vs non all-inclusive holiday[trip style = all-inclusive]

As you may have already guessed, we're doing a month-long feature on all-inclusives! Great for group, family or couple getaways, this trip style easily lends itself to totally unwinding without having to lift a finger. Two weeks ago we covered an introduction to the topic honing in on and dispelling the often-cheesy stereotypes. Last week we played matchmaker Valentines-style with hand-picked options for every trip preference.

This week we're doing the math between staying at an all-inclusive, versus a typical vacation combining flight, hotel, food and incidentals. So we compare apples to apples, we'll use two 7-night, 5-star examples in Mexico, originating from Vancouver. cost difference between all-inclusive and flight/hotel vacation *Details: March 6th departure, based on double occupancy, prices approximate and per person. Unpackaged example is staying at Fairmont Mayakoba, and packaged option at the El Dorado Royale all-inclusive, both in the Riviera Maya.

Conclusion Sometimes going the route of an all-inclusive is cheaper, sometimes it's not. If all you want is sun, sand, mediocre foods and watery pina coladas, a 2-star all-inclusive will be cheaper than an unpackaged vacation. In the above example, the unpackaged holiday is slightly pricier, but not by much. However, comparing unpackaged versus packaged holidays really comes down trip style. Do you feel like this type of trip style for your upcoming trip or not?

All-Inclusive Month :: Coming Up Monday, Feb 21st – From the Archives :: All-Inclusive Tricks of the Trade Friday, Feb 25th – Fashion Friday :: Rockin’ the All-Inclusive

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