Travel Beauty Month :: Alterna Giveaway — Trip Styler

Travel Beauty Month :: Alterna Giveaway

August is Travel Beauty Month at Trip Styler. Since we already know you're beautiful on the inside, we'll feature posts devoted to helping you maintain and enhance your outer allure---which can *sometimes* show hints of travel's time-zone hopping and lack of H2O. All month we'll be doing travel beauty-themed giveaways for products we love that take the edge off of jet-setting.

Our first beauty post will focus on hair and how to add mileage to your coif while away! alterna hair care give-away

Friday August 6th Contest Details 1) One lucky winner will score an Alterna Dry Shampoo, plus a travel-sized shampoo, conditioner and hairspray all from their super lux Caviar Anti-Aging line! 2) How to win: subscibe to Trip Styler by email or RSS and we'll choose a winner at random Wednesday, Aug. 11th. *If you subscribe by RSS, indicate you've done so by commenting on this post, so I know how to contact you. Existing email subscribers will be automatically entered and existing RSS subscribers kindly comment below to ensure entry. 3) Contest is open to residents of Canada and the US. 4) The contest closes Wednesday, Aug 11 at 4pm Pacific Time.  The winner will be announced and contacted at that time.

Good luck! I'm already jealous of the winner. Don't forget to tell your friends.

Winner Many thanks to everyone who participated. Using, "nomadic" was selected as the winner!