Travel TV

Travel TV :: Amazing Race Season 16

[trip style = adventure]

I can't believe the Amazing Race is in Season 16.  Looking back, it's hard to believe season 1 premiered a week before the Sept 11th Terrorist Attacks.  Timing was not on its side.  Due to multiple circumstances, season 1 ratings lacked, but CBS made the right call bringing the show back for a second season.  Luckily, it struck a chord and gained loyal viewers who a) brought the show to season 16, and b) put it in the ranks of CBS' top-rated shows.

Other than Departures, the Amazing Race is my fave travel show.  Sometimes I can't handle the drama between characters--remember "Lake, like the Ocean"--but understand that it's a necessary evil of primetime, 'reality.'

Additional Ways to Connect with The Amazing Race Now TV isn't the only way you can connect with the show, they are on twitter @AmazingRace_CBS, on Facebook and online featuring additional content like: The Elimination Station. When teams lose a leg of the race, they are flown to a destination (this season it's Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) where they live in community until the race completes. With the emotions, interactions and disappointments that come out at the Elimination Station, this online segment could be a reality show all to itself.

Travel TV :: Departures

[Trip Style = Adventure] In this 'episode' of Travel TV, we're excited about featuring Departures -a personal favourite!  What started as two Canadian guys leaving their daily lives to travel, has turned into an authentic, visually mesmerizing and fascinating travel show aired in 40 countries worldwide.

I first discovered this show last year when I was sick in bed for five days straight.  Since the only thing I could do was muster-up energy to open my eyes and watch TV, I naturally gravitated to this interesting and funny-without-meaning-to-be travel show.  Since then, I can't get enough of it and look forward to the third season launching in March 2010.

Whether hang gliding over Rio's city-scape or traversing Mongolia's barren landscapes via vintage Soviet van in search of a Nomadic Raindeer Tribe, Scott and Justin's friendship, personalities and banter add extra laughs to an already entertaining show.

Anyone whose Trip Style = Adventure and has a penchant for seeking new and remote destinations will appreciate Scott and Justin's travel style.  Seeking to step into well traveled and remote locales, the guys don't just blitz a place to 'say they did,' rather they spend time with locals to learn their customs and embrace their culture.

In their words "it's as much about the journey as it is the destination."

In Canada, check for info on air dates and to view episodes online.  For additional information: Departures Facebook Group | Departures Website | Departures YouTube Channel