Blog — Trip Styler

Hello BC :: 2010 Olympics 12 Days Away

An invitation to come visit BC for the Olympics and beyond. Featuring British Columbians Michael J. Fox, Ryan Reynolds, Erick McCormack, Kim Cattrall, Steve Nash and Sarah McLachlan.

The Vancouver 2010 Olympics are only 12 days away, and I couldn't' be more excited.  Whether you're watching on TV or in person, the rush of cheering for your home country as the athletes walk into the Opening Ceremonies is a joyful and unifying experience.

Here's why I'm excited for the upcoming 2010 Olympics

  • it is being held in Vancouver, Canada--my home city
  • this is likely the only time I will ever get to experience the olympics in my home city, so I got a few tickets to cheer Canada on
  • there are so many  free, large-scale events happening all over the city
  • vancouver is morphing from the 3rd largest city in Canada to likes of a highly decorated european metropolis

Stay tuned for more Olympic Updates in future posts.  I will try to post Opening Ceremony Pics to this blog and twitter (@tripstyler) as well as additional updates throughout.

Amazing Time-Lapsed HD View of Vancouver

Getting the Best Travel Deals via Twitter

[trip style = budget]

Most savvy hotels and online travel agencies are now on twitter.  Are you?  If you're a saavy traveller who likes learning about offers, deals, promotions and contests, then get on the bandwagon and follow your fave companies on Twitter.  It'll be worth your while.

Travel tweeting has become so popular that travel providers are now doing twitter-only specials. Some of the best twitter travel promotions I've seen lately are from: @hawaiianfares promoting discounts @fairmontwhistlr promoting a "twinter twitter package" @applevacations promoting "Bermuda 50% off" @kayak $39+ (99 hours only) anniversary celebration

Yet Twitter isn't only about deals and offers, it's also about information.  Many airlines now post flight delays, humanitarian efforts, responses to travelers' questions, as well as tidbits of info. Yesterday @fairmonthotels informed its 7200 followers that US Presidents Obama, Bush, Carter, Clinton, Ford, Johnson, Kennedy, Reagan, Taft, Truman have all stayed at the Fairmont San Fran. Interesting.

How to Get the Best Travel Deals on Twitter

  • sign-up for a twitter account
  • follow your fave travel companies
    • easiest way:  find a travel company you like with a significant twitter presence and browse through their listings to decide who you want to follow
  • be flexible and ready to act
  • many deals are time-sensitive, so check your feed frequently
    • if you are now worried that this whole 'twitter thing' sounds like too much work, don't worry, being an active observer on twitter doesn't take more than 5 mins a day, scanning your feed in five minute increments throughout the day
  • for a more personal experience, interact with the hotel or tour company
    • when you sign-up for a twitter account, you don't have to tweet, but to gain a more in-depth rapport with your travel companies of choice, consider tweeting.  ex: if you've just flown to Australia with Virgin and had a great experience, tell them!

Some of my Favourite Travel Tweeters

PS - don't forget to follow @tripstyler too!

Apple's iPad = Travel Companion

Yesterday, Apple announced the newest addition to its army of world-altering technologies: the Apple iPad.  The touch-screen technology popularized by the iTouch and iPhone is also shared by the iPad.  Smaller than a magazine, Steve Job's proclaims "it is the best browsing experience you've ever had." I'm not sure how I would categorize the iPad: a tablet, a hybrid iphone or a netbook?  Likely, it is all.

The iPad will start to ship worldwide late march, be available in the US early April and available in Canada (hopefully) sometime this summer.  The cost for an entry-level ipad will be $499usd.

Why the iPad is Great for Traveling

  • Size.  At 9.6"h x 7.5"w x 0.5"d the iPad is bigger than an iPhone and smaller than a lap top.  It will be able to fit in an oversized purse or regular carry-on.
  • Weight.  With many airlines instituting carry-on weight requirements, every pound counts, so horay for its 1.5 pound weight.
  • Apps.  The apps offered for the iPhone/Touch blow my mind.  There are currently 140,000 of them--a number which will seem scant one day.  The same apps will be offered for the iPad.  This will be invaluable while on-the-road.
  • Photos.  With the ability to act like a photo frame, you'll be able to flip through and share the pics you snap right away.
  • Battery.  The iPad's battery life is refreshing.  With an estimated run-time of 10 hours, you'll be able to compute on an international flight.
  • Storage.  If you're a photographer or on a year-long trip, the 3 size categories (16, 32 and 64GB) would be helpful.
  • 3G Wi-Fi.  Find out what's going on in THE world and YOUR world while you're away.
  • TV.  Don't worry about missing the shows you follow while away, watch them on the ipad.
  • eReader.  Look out Kindle, the iPad is the next competitor.  Figures that Apple would partner with Penguin, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan and Hachette Book Group to offer iBooks, an eBook distributor.
  • Phone.  Apple iPad 3G models will be sold with an unlocked SIM card.
  • Listen.  Make your hotel room feel like home (kinda) blasting your playlist (at a low decibel of course) through its built-in speakers.  The device will ship with itunes installed.


  • Because the iPad's is flat, and the keyboard integrated, typing a slew of emails may give one some neck pains.  Maybe they'll come out with a solution for this...I know they are coming out with a docking station, but this is not practical to bring traveling.
  • Typing while holding the device.  Will we only be able to type one-handed?
  • Requiring an additional 3G data contract with your cell provider?  Will providers consolidate contracts to account for multiple devices?

I'm kind of over my 8" netbook.  It has accompanied me on a few epic trips, but it's about as slow as my blackberry bold, so I'm thinking of selling it in anticipation of the ipad's spring release.

Planning Ahead for Airport Security Measures

No Liquids or Gels As evidenced by the newest regulations resulting from the Dec 25th flight incident, new security measures are constantly being instituted in an attempt to protect airline passengers and crew.

Although it's nice to know that everything is being done to protect our security; the luster has definitely worn off.  Travel is not always fun. The good news is, as security measures tighten and relax to accomodate times of peace and threat, there are a few things that can be done to help you and security in the screening process.

  1. Know the contents of your bag.  Although this sounds ridiculously obvious, and we all answer 'yes I've packed my bag, yes I know its contents' the frenzy of packing at 2am for 7am flight, there are things us honest and frequent travellers may forget to take out of our bags like our water bottle, hand lotion (sans ziplock), hand sanitizer, etc.. HINT: Prior to dashing through security, do one last check of your bag.
  2. Make things easy for the screening process.  Security personnel get crabby when you don't follow instructions and keep the often backed-up line moving.  HINT: Prior to being asked, take out any liquids, lap top, and smart phone from your bag; take off your shoes and place them on the belt (not in a bin); remove your layers and jewelry and keep your boarding card and passport in-hand while you walk through the metal detector.
  3. Don't assume your belt buckle, earrings or bobby pins are going to be fine in the metal detector.  HINT: remove anything you think may set off the buzzer.  None of us wants a pat-down, so don't leave any room for error.
  4. Less is More.  HINT:  When I travel, I purposely wear minimal jewelry, easy shoes to slip on and off, flexible clothing (no tight jeans) and avoid too many layers. Although layers are smart for the varying temperatures encountered during travel, don't wear so many that you have to take off 5 items just to talk through the scanner.
  5. Adjust your attitude & take a chill pill.  Again, this too sounds like a dumb and obvious statement but at airports, both workers and passengers tend to get the knickers in a knot.  The reality is, someone is likely going to be rude to you, so try to respond with grace versus tactlessness.
  6. Get screened upfront. HINT: Most countries offer programs like Nexus (canada/us border clearance process), whereby you engage in a pre-screening exercise and background check. Once approved you enjoy shorter line-ups and fewer questions.

What Not to do in Airport Security Last week I was going to through airport security and the high-strung man in front of me went through the metal detector, set it off and consequently received a pat-down.  Towards the end of the pat-down, in a fairly loud voice, the obviously annoyed man uttered "why don't you just strip search me."  To mu surprise the security personnel laughed it off.  In the wake of everything going on at the airports, I was shocked that someone would invite suspicion in such an overt way.  Not a savvy traveller.

How to Pack for Airport Security

Travel Apps :: Hostel World iphone appLaunching last week, the newest travel industry giant to join the app world is The Irish-owned, market leader in online reservations to the budget traveller has now made 'on-the-go' booking that much more accessible. Now students and travel aficionados seeking an authentic, no-frills stay can search for hostels from the comfort of their own iPhone or iPod Touch's wi-fi while globetrotting. According to the budget booking engine, the launch of the free app is being celebrated with no booking fees on any bookings made on iPhones until January, 29th. Travel App Details

  • free
  • map view of hostels, showing users current location
  • search 23,000 hostels in 6,000 destinations worldwide
  • view photos
  • read over 2,000,000  reviews
  • store preferences for later review in offline mode
  • ability to book multiple room types simultaneously

Other Travel iphone Apps we've Reviewed

*Although hostel-ing may not be your preferred trip style, don't rule it out. I've stayed in my share of hostels in my university backpacking days, but as I got older, opted for hotels. However, when I was in Cusco, Peru, our friends booked a hostel for us. At first I wondered what the accommodations might be like, but once we arrived, I was elated. The Llipimpic hostel had an adorable central courtyard, amazing staff, separate rooms---each with their own washroom, an amazing breakfast every morning as well as free computer/internet.  For $39/night, the place was a steel.