That Travel Meal: Jugo Verde
[trip style = food + wine]
In many ways, I feel like this body-cleansing bev should the first thing we talk about in 2016. But, why wait? Between the copious amounts of cheese and Champagne the holiday season brings, this is the PERFECT time to whip up one of Mexico's most delicious and healthy elixirs: Jugo Verde {green juice}.
It's a mystery to me that I've been to Mexico mucho times and never sampled this heavenly juice-smoothie hybrid. Honestly, my body feels jipped. So, when I was in the Riviera Maya and Puerto Vallarta a few weeks ago, I made up for my nutritional loss by consuming four cups per day: two at breakfast, straight up, and two in the afternoon with vodka {my versions of a kinda-healthy happy hour drink}.
If you'd like to taste the wonders of Mexico's tropical tonic, do a daily detox between the rum balls and brie cheese, and get a head start on your 2016 resolutions, I implore you to imbibe Jugo Verde for now and evermore. Amen.
Bonus, it's seasonally on-trend with its Christmassy hue.
Jugo Verde {makes 2 cups}
1 cup of water
2 oranges, squeezed {or 1/2 a cup of pure OJ}
10 one-inch cubes of pineapple
1.5 stalks of celery, chopped
1 heaping handful of spinach
1 small handful of parsley
Blend and serve. To make it more hearty {read: smoothie-like} add less water, to make it more juice-like, add more water.